Royale Belge
Last year a beautiful iconic building in my neighbourhood was brought down in order to replace it with a new building – a condo to be build with small studio’s. The iconic watermark was only 40 years old and absolutely not obsolete. People saw it and very soon forgot how their street was before. During the demolition I took photo’s and video’s every day to have a memory of the block and the tearing down that had a certain beauty in itself. For that reason I hired a hotel-room in front of the building in order to have the best spot for my pictures. With the covid-19 crisis starting I finally had time to think about it and do something with this content. I mounted two pictures that were taken through a sort of round keyhole and mounted them in round old worn-out frames that I had found the year before in a tiny antique-shop in Paris. The video with a 7 minute loop of the teardown is shown on a Iphone locked into a helmet with a reflection to masks in Corona-time.
The title refers to the name of the Insurance company that was residing there 20 years ago.